Sunday, April 27, 2008


If I were you and about to start this class I would make sure to keep up with your blogs. This seems like an easy task, as well it should be, but if you wait until the last minute you will more times than not forget to write the post. This is not a huge past of the grade for the class, but I assure you it will make a difference. The other thing that I would suggest is to keep up with going to class on the regular. Most of the assignments you will have time to get started/done in class. Therefore, it is beneficial to you to go to class on a daily basis. My final piece of advice would be to go to the professor if you have a problem because more times than not they will work with you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Response to article

This article seems to be addressing the issues of ethical decision making in the work place. The article says that 3 in 4 Americans experience ethical problems in the work place. This seems to cause the workplace environment to be somewhat volatile. 1 in 10 Americans believe that an ethical issue in their workplace will or could lead to a corporate scandal or nationally televised event. Ethics is always a problem because people go to work to make money. If an opportunity arises that could bring them more money and all they have to do is look the other way what would you do? That is the main question. Today most people will look the other way. This will increase your short term wealth but could bring your long term wealth/life into jeopardy. Unethical decisions will ultimately hurt the company's image in the eyes of the public. If this doesn't hurt the image it will definitely hurt the internal company moral. In the end, it all comes down to the golden rule and do to others as you would have them do to you. This is easy to say, but even harder to live by.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Web writing vs. paper

Paper and web writing, today, are pretty much that exact same thing. Today you can use programs like seamonkey or dreamweaver that help put your writing on paper into a html language that the web uses. Htlm stand for hypertaxt markup language I that allows the computer to read what you have written and put onto a page in a web browser. This language allows people all over the world to have access to your site or your work. Paper writting is easy to use and easy to hand to people face to face. When writting on the web you have to fully finish the piece of work and post it similar to how we post our blogs.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Free Write

The end of the semester is up and coming. I have been in college for some time now and I still don't know why it seems that at the end of the semester everything gets pilled on. I never see why it seems that we go pretty slow at the start but then at the end we go into overdrive. On the flip side I don't know why I never get my work done at the beggining of the semester when I have the time. It seems that I always want the pressure of not knowing what to expect. It is not that it is difficult to get the work done it is just that my time mangement seems to be off enough that I have to push it to the limit at the end. The only positive I have right now is that in about five weeks I will have another break but that soon ends with the start of first summer session. I am happy to say that I will soon be done with all of this college stuff at least for my undergrad. I do not see myself going to grad school unless my future employer wants to pay for me to go, but that will all pan out in due time.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The business interview was an interesting experience. I knew that it was going to be kinda formal, but it turned out to be not that bad. I feel as though I did slip up on some questions that I was asked but I did alright. If it were a real job interview I feel as though I would not get the job. I am not exactly sure how these questions that possible future employers ask help them to determine the right candidates and I never will. The interview process is a joke because most of the time it is who you know that will help you to get a job. There is really no such thing as equal opportunity employers because favoritism and nepotism will always be prevalent.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Free Write

Well, what can I say? So far this school year has strated out with a bang. I have been sick for the majority of the schhol year and am just now starting to feel a little bit better. All the while, school work is piling up and I am getting behind. If this trend continues I may never get to do anything other than study for the rest of the school year. I have a test tomorrow afternoon and am trying to study while I am writing this post. I also have work in business writing that I am falling behind in, but that will change soon when I get to class. On a good note, I am feeling better and may get to start workingout again soon. I am hoping that everything works out. I know in the end everything works out but it does stink to have to wait, right?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Cover letter

The advice given is telling us that we only need to write and send resumes/cover letters it you have investigated the company. It says that a leeter should be specific and personal. It seems that most people have the misconception that by sending mass resumes. cover letters out to people it is going to land them a job. The problem with this thinking is that it is too much paper for human resoureces to go through and the chances are that you are not going to land the position if you do not show some sort of intrest in the company its self. I agree with the advise but I also thinnk that given a great cover letter you can increase the odds of getting an interview drastically. The one area hat I was unaware of something that could be done is the follow up. This helps to show a future employer that you are really willing and wanting to work for their company.

Job strategies

I chose two articles. One article was about having good conversation with possible employers. This is showing the employer how you have reacted to other real life situations and is making sure you fit their corprate structure. This is cruticial in real life and in the job market. eing able to have a smooth conversation can make or break your interview and might just land you the job. The other article I looked at was on dealing with your interview stress. If you are a person like me you can become very anxious sometimes. The article tells the reader to take slow deep breaths and this will help to calm the nerves. Also, sit up straight and don't cross your legs or arms. It is easier to control anxiety when it first strarts then when it starts spiriling out of control. All of these skills will help in my interview the only problem is that I have to put them into action. I can read about this all day but is my personality going to allow me to follow through? That is the question I ask myself and in the near future that question will be answered.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Drug Abuse There is the address for this piece I chose. The ethos is seen through the fact that teens are starting to turn away from street drugs, but the problem, that the article points out, is that they are strating to abuse a different type of drug. These would be the types of drugs that you and I would be prescriped for a broken bone or chronic back pain and such. The logos comes through when the speaker says, "Every day 2,500 youth age 12 to 17 abuse a pain reliever for the very first time., Also, In 2006, more than 2.1 million teens ages 12 to 17 reported abusing prescription drugs." This is appealing to logic that prescription drug abuse, if untreated, could become an epicidemic. The article its self suggests that this is already becoming a problem. The ethos comes in when the author starts telling the reader of the health risks associated with overdoseing. If I were a parent reading this article I would immediately go and lock my medicine cabinet, but lets be honest, if children and teens are already abusing then they will find a way to get the drug. I am not ignorant to the fact that drug use is a big deal, and to be honest time I've in high schoool and college witnessed alot of drug abuse. I am not one to judge quickly and never will be. The emotional appeal in this article comes from the fact that as a responsible adult you need to eduacte kids on the dangers of overdoseing and we need to keep close tabs on our prescription medicine. As far as me comparing the guest speakers and MLK to this pieace of writing I would have to say that MLK is the most appealing due to his charisma of being a courageous unique person in such a close minded society. He was way outside the box for his time and paid the price for being different in society during his time. His logos, pathos, and ethos are all in a unique allignment and it is seen in his eliquently written letter from a Birmingham jail. But in all honesty, I enjoy reading articles on drug abuse and addiction because it runs in my family and educating myself might help me in the future. Life is short and the most pesuasive line filled with ethos, logos, and pathos is from the Shawshank Redemption where Tim Robins says,"get busy living, or get busy dying." I know this isn't eactly what you had in mind for this assignment, but I went off on a tangent for some reason. I hope I am somewhere in the ball park for what you were looking for.

Friday, January 25, 2008

10 Years

In ten years I hope to be starting my career. I have to be honest and say I have never really thought about what I want to do. Well, I mean to say that I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have student loans to pay as well as figure out a way to live from day to day without my parents money. They dont help much but without the help they give I dont know what I would do. I am a management major with a minor in coaching. I love sports so I might go into coaching; but I do desire to own my own business one day. To do this I will need to get a job managing or interning at a well known company like BMW, Oconee Nuclear, or something to that sort. This will give me knowledge of the internal workings of business. I hope to have found a girl/woman that is loyal, loving, and willing to work through rough times with me because I know I can be difficult here and there. Since Wednesdays class I have given thought about the army because they would pay a huge chunck of my student loans. However, if I do that I will be setting the beginning of my life back by several years because I will have to give them so many years in service. I need to think more but I feel as though time is running out. In ten years I just hope that I am happily married with children, have a good paying job, and am still alive.

Utube Video

In my opinion, this is a very interesting video. The video is showing the viewer the way the web has made the speed of life change. Actually it is showing us how drasticaly the web has moved our lives. I am not sure what the titile of the presentation means though, but with some time I might. Web 2.0 links everyone to everything. When getting ready to enter the workforce knowledge of the internet can be a very valuable tool. It allows a worker to get info from mutliple sources and may help someone do their job better. For people already in the workforce it means they must do some learning. They must learn in order to not get their jobs taken by younger employees. The end of the movies says we will need to rethink everything. Now do we really need to rethink everything of just change habits. The world is changing and getting more connected. The internet connects people from all over the world. Therefore we need to get use to the idea of using the internet in personal and professional aspects.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

About me

Hello! My name is Michael Wald. I am a senior here at Clemson and I plan to graduate in the fall. I went to Seneca High school so I am a hometown kid. I plan to open my own business one day but I need some job experience first. My main goals are to graduate and to find a loving caring woman who I can start my family with. This will take time but it is well worth it. I drive a Saturn Ion, not the best, but it gets me where I need to go. It is currently getting fixed because of a finder bender I had this summer over the holidays, and no I wasn't drunk. If you need to know anything else just ask.